Top 10 Form 13F Holdings as of 12/31/24
Name of Issuer Market Value ($) % of 13F Holdings 12/31/24 Price
ABBVIE INC 34,521,246 5.63% $177.70
MCDONALDS CORP 32,482,175 5.30% $289.89
BERKSHIRE HATH-B 31,312,809 5.11% $453.28
JOHNSON&JOHNSON 30,887,076 5.04% $144.62
WYNDHAM HOTELS & 27,501,156 4.48% $100.79
JPMORGAN CHASE 26,457,272 4.31% $239.71
ABBOTT LABS 24,420,076 3.98% $113.11
PHILIP MORRIS INTL INC 22,795,614 3.72% $120.35
KENVUE INC 21,430,596 3.49% $21.35
CIE FINANCI-REG 19,059,130 3.11% $152.19

For a complete list of 13F holdings, please see our most recent Form 13F filing on the following SEC website:

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RBO is an independent investment advisory firm established in 1980. RBO is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. RBO is headquartered in Saint Helena, CA.